The North East Media Forum proudly inaugurated it’s first-ever cricket tournament in the Delhi National Capital Region (NCR), bringing together cricket enthusiasts from the region under the theme "Bat Them Out."
The opening match, held between Rhino Club of Faridabad and North East Media Forum unfolded amidst enthusiastic cheers at the RS Cricket Club ground in Faridabad on February 24th, 2024. This marks the beginning of an exciting series of matches that will determine the champions of the tournament.
The tournament, which has garnered significant attention, features 10 teams from Delhi and the National Capital Region, all vying for the coveted title. The matches promise to showcase outstanding talent and fierce competition as teams compete for victory.
The event was formally inaugurated by esteemed figures from the North East Media Forum, including Advisor Ashish Gupta and senior citizen Putul Shaikia, who graced the occasion with their presence and shared words of encouragement with the participating teams.
Expressing gratitude, Pranjal Pratim Das, General Secretary of the North East Media Forum, extended warm appreciation to all participants for their enthusiastic involvement in the tournament. The spirit of sportsmanship and camaraderie among the teams underscores the essence of the event.
As the tournament progresses, the excitement is palpable, with the anticipation building up for the upcoming matches. The second league match is scheduled for March 2nd, 2024, followed by the semi-final match on March 9th, 2024. The grand finale is set to take place on March 10th, 2024, at the prestigious Delhi Police Cricket Ground, GBT Nagar, New Delhi.
Cricket aficionados and supporters alike eagerly await the unfolding of this thrilling cricket spectacle, anticipating memorable moments and outstanding performances from the teams as they compete for glory in the North East Media Cricket Tournament.
Stay tuned for updates and highlights from the exhilarating matches as the tournament progresses towards crowning its champion.