सुदर्शन के राष्ट्रवादी पत्रकारिता को सहयोग करे


Historic Tripartite Agreement Signed in Tripura: Amit Shah

Enumerating the series of peace agreements signed during the Modi government's tenure, Shri Amit Shah outlined the region's progress towards reconciliation and progress.

Thejotalu Nakro
  • Mar 2 2024 8:18PM

In a significant development for Tripura, the Honorable Union Minister of Home and Cooperation, Shri Amit Shah, commemorated the signing of a pivotal tripartite agreement between the Government of India, the Government of Tripura, and the Tipra Motha. 

Speaking at the momentous occasion, Shri Shah remarked, "With this agreement, we have respected history, corrected past mistakes, and also considered the present-day realities to look forward to." Acknowledging the collaborative efforts involved in reaching the agreement, Shri Shah praised the constructive roles played by Tipra Motha, tribal parties, and various organizations. Shri Shah applauded the constructive roles played by Tipra Motha, tribal parties, and various organizations in facilitating the agreement. He commended the steadfast determination of the BJP government in Tripura, led by Chief Minister Dr. Manik Saha Ji, in advocating for this transformative initiative. He believes that Tripura will remain committed to fulfilling the vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision of a Viksit Bharat and also to its share in it. When Bharat becomes a developed nation Tripura will also emerge as a developed state.

The Minister underscored the broader vision of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi towards achieving a conflict-free and violence-free Northeast region. He emphasized the Ministry of Home Affairs' unwavering commitment to realizing this vision, highlighting the successful engagement in peace talks with numerous organizations. Shri Shah revealed that over 10,000 youths have surrendered, signaling a tangible shift towards peace and development in the Northeast. 

The journey towards peace in the northeastern region of India has indeed been marked by significant milestones and transformative agreements over the past years

  1. NLFT Peace Treaty (2019): The signing of the peace treaty with the National Liberation Front of Tripura (NLFT) in 2019 marked the beginning of efforts to end insurgency and violence in Tripura.
  2. Bru Treaty (2020): Attention turned towards addressing the grievances of the Bru community, resulting in the signing of the Bru Treaty in 2020. This agreement aimed to address longstanding issues and bring about reconciliation.
  3. Bodo Treaty (2020): Similarly, the concerns of the Bodo community were addressed with the signing of the Bodo treaty in 2020, signaling a significant step towards resolving conflict and fostering peace in the region.
  4. Karbi Treaty (2021): In 2021, the signing of the Karbi treaty aimed at resolving the protracted conflict in the Karbi Anglong region of Assam, contributing to the overall peace process in the northeastern states.
  5. Adivasi Treaty (2022): The year 2022 saw the signing of the Adivasi Treaty, which addressed the concerns of the Adivasi community, furthering the government's commitment to inclusive dialogue and conflict resolution.
  6. Border Dispute Resolutions (2023): Significant progress was made in 2023 with the signing of the Assam-Meghalaya border treaty and the Assam-Arunachal Pradesh border treaty. These agreements promoted territorial integrity and fostered goodwill among neighboring states, contributing to regional stability.
  7. Peace Agreements with Insurgent Groups: The government's commitment to inclusive dialogue and conflict resolution was further underscored by peace agreements with various insurgent groups, including the Dimasa group, the United National Liberation Front (UNLF), and the United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA).

Overall, these landmark agreements and initiatives signify a concerted effort towards fostering lasting peace, reconciliation, and development in the northeastern region of India.

Enumerating the series of peace agreements signed during the Modi government's tenure, Shri Amit Shah outlined the region's progress towards reconciliation and progress. He noted that the agreement with Tipra Motha represents the latest addition to this series, encompassing 11 agreements addressing critical issues such as borders, identity, language, and culture.

Reflecting on Tripura's historical legacy, Shri Shah recounted the state's compassionate response during the trauma of partition, when it provided refuge to migrants on the appeal of Mahatma Gandhi. He assured the people of Tripura that the Government of India remains steadfast in its commitment to safeguarding their rights, thereby obviating the necessity for movements to assert those rights.


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