सुदर्शन के राष्ट्रवादी पत्रकारिता को आर्थिक सहयोग करे


Youth 4 Panun Kashmir to Commemorate Kashmiri Pandit Holocaust Day with "Nishkasan Ka Dard" Program on an International Scale

Youth 4 Panun Kashmir (Y4PK), the leading Kashmiri Pandit Youth Organization, is set to organize a unique and impactful event, "Nishkasan Ka Dard,"

Sudarshan News
  • Oct 26 2023 3:37PM

New Delhi, Oct 26th 2023 — Youth 4 Panun Kashmir (Y4PK), the leading Kashmiri Pandit Youth Organization, is set to organize a unique and impactful event, "Nishkasan Ka Dard," on an international scale to commemorate Kashmiri Pandit Holocaust Day. The event will take place on January 19, 2024, in New Delhi.

President Rahul Kaul announced that, in addition to the traditional night-long vigil on January 19th, Y4PK will conduct a Massive Public Outreach Program starting at 2:00 pm. The outreach will be held at the heart of Delhi and aims to educate thousands about the genocide of Kashmiri Pandits and convey the community's demands. The program will feature prominent figures, including academicians, artists, poets, public speakers, and social activists from India and around the world.

Dr. Agnishekhar, Convenor of Panun Kashmir, praised the initiative, emphasizing its significance in raising global awareness about the Kashmiri Pandit genocide. He commended Youth4PanunKashmir for taking on the responsibility of leading the struggle for justice.

Dr. Dileep Kaul, Director of Jonraja Institute of Genocide & Atorcities Studies, announced that JIMS would showcase real-life genocide survivor stories during the event. Additionally, a highly anticipated documentary on the life of Shivyogini Lalleshwari (Lal Dyed) will be screened. International scholars specializing in genocide studies are also expected to participate.

Sh. Tito Ganju, Editor in Chief of Epilogue News Network, declared full support and confirmed Epilogue News Network as the official media partner for the event.

Sh. Amit Raina, Spokesperson for Roots in Kashmir, emphasized the event's importance as a milestone and called for widespread community participation to ensure the recognition of rightful demands by the Government of India.

Sh. Vithal Chowdhary, Organizing Secretary of Y4PK, urged the general public to support the endeavor, emphasizing the need for collective efforts to secure the community's rightful demands.

The event has garnered support from various organizations, including KMWA (Noida), Kashmiri Hindu Sabha (Pune), Kashmiri Hindu Sabha (Telangana), Roots in Kashmir, Sharika Sewaks, Jonraja Institute of Genocide Studies, Panun Kashmir (REHINGE), and other community organizations.

Issue to press by 
Rohit Ravi Bhat 

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