सुदर्शन के राष्ट्रवादी पत्रकारिता को आर्थिक सहयोग करे


The Genocide of Kashmiri Pandits has remained a continuous process since 1990 and till date there has been no sign of any comprehensive and exclusive policy .

Kashmiri Pandit community to be restored back to their roots within valley

Sudarshan News
  • Jan 7 2023 5:50PM

The Genocide of Kashmiri Pandits has remained a continuous process since 1990 and till date there has been no sign of any comprehensive and exclusive policy by the present political dispensation to ascertain the security, return and rehabilitation of this minority Kashmiri Pandit community to be restored back to their roots within valley.

As a part of recent three-member fact finding committee, set by the Kashmiri Pandit community members visited valley to ascertain the ground position of the members of the Kashmiri Pandit community. Rahul Kaul as part of this committee shared that There is no change in the social and political status for Kashmiri Pandits and since 1990 TILL 2023 and in spite of correction in art 370, Govt has no firm policy to ensure return and rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandits and is in constant denial of the Genocide of KP community.

Rahul shared that the fact-finding committee met various section of people in valley including Top officials and during these meetings, the revelations were horrible, shocking and scaring. The committee was aghast at the ordeals of the community brethren. The worst sufferers are the women and children living in the valley and now the PM package employees, whose salaries have been stopped by Govt from last 5 months and those who are protesting from over 240 days because of them being vulnerable to targeted killings.

These families are economically very vulnerable now and many have liquidated their investments and some women have had to sell the jewelry to feed their family. Speaking on the press meet, Rohit Bhat, Secretary Youth 4 Panun Kashmir said “To make the situation worse, the recent statement of Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha questioning the religious cleansing of Kashmiri Pandits and balancing the entire killings in valley under secular garb has incurred a sense of deep anguish, fear and trust deficit within Kashmiri Pandit community.

The community solemnly stands in one voice against this irresponsible statement of the LG and warns Govt of serious repercussions if similar fake narratives and expressions are created to appease the majority population of the valley and that too to secure its political position. Rahul Kaul sharing the list highlighted that “ If The killings as mentioned by LG are not targeted to Hindus in valley then why 5 lacs Kashmiri Pandit community is forced into exodus from valley from over 3 decades and why there has been not one but 19 mass Hindu massacres and jihadi attacks in valley and more specifically 23 targeted Hindus killings since 2019 including the Rajouri hindu massacre.

Sunil Raina , Pune coordinator Youth 4 Panun Kashmir warned that if the statement of LG is not withdrawn to an extent of expulsion of the present LG over his highly insensitive remarks, Y4PK would start Nation wide protest exposing the false narrative of the Govt and its continuous process to deny the 32 years of Kashmiri Pandit Genocide. Voicing their support in the press meet,

Sh.Parag Gokhale of Hindu Jan Jagruti samiti and Sh.Anand Dave of Akhil Bharat Brahmin Mahasangh said that as staunch Nationalist Hindu organizations , they stands firm with the 3 decades old demand of Panun Kashmir which calls for carving out a Centrally administered separate Homeland for Kashmiri Hindus with firm geo political foothold as the only solution to bulldoze the jihad and its mindset out from the valley. PRESS NOTE

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