सुदर्शन के राष्ट्रवादी पत्रकारिता को आर्थिक सहयोग करे


Indo-China: China Reaffirms Claim on Arunachal Pradesh, India Counters!

Mr. Lin's remarks followed statements made by India's External Affairs Minister Shri S Jaishankar, who vehemently defended Arunachal Pradesh's status as an integral part of India during a lecture at the Institute of South Asian Studies of the National University of Singapore.

Thejotalu Nakro
  • Mar 27 2024 9:19PM

In the latest development of an ongoing territorial dispute, China reiterated its claim over Arunachal Pradesh for the fourth time this month, prompting India to rebuff the assertions as baseless. The exchange comes amidst escalating tensions between the two neighboring countries regarding the contested region.

On March 25th, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mr Lin Jian restated China's stance on Arunachal Pradesh, despite India's dismissal of Beijing's claims as "absurd" and "Nonsensical." Mr. Lin's remarks followed statements made by India's External Affairs Minister Shri S Jaishankar, who vehemently defended Arunachal Pradesh's status as an integral part of India during a lecture at the Institute of South Asian Studies of the National University of Singapore.

 Mr. Lin Jian, responding to Jaishankar's comments, reiterated China's assertion that the border between India and China remains unsettled. He asserted that Arunachal Pradesh, known as Zangnan in Chinese, had historically been under Chinese administration before what China views as its "illegal occupation" by India. Mr. Lin Jian emphasized that China has maintained effective control over the region, labeling India's establishment of Arunachal Pradesh in 1987 as a unilateral action on disputed territory.

China's stance on Arunachal Pradesh has been consistent, with Mr. Lin Jian underscoring that Beijing has repeatedly objected to Indian leaders' visits to the state, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi's recent trip on March 9th. Beijing, referring to Arunachal Pradesh as South Tibet, views such visits as provocations and has lodged diplomatic protests against them.

Notably, China's Defense Minister has also asserted Arunachal Pradesh as part of Chinese territory, a claim promptly rejected by India's Ministry of External Affairs.

The reiteration of China's claim on Arunachal Pradesh underscores the longstanding territorial dispute between the two Asian giants, posing challenges to bilateral relations and regional stability.

As both nations continue to assert their respective positions, diplomatic efforts to address the contentious issue remain imperative to prevent further escalation of tensions.


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